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- I’ve been here too, but didn’t get as nice photos as these. It looks fun rock climbing too. I think I’d be scared to try it but this make me want to reconsider. Cathie of Cat Trax Services


I have an original print of the Eldorado with Roger Moore that my dad gave me in 1973.I can send you one by regular email if you want it.Michael KribbsReference:This generation of Eldorados produced between 1971 and 1978 were sometimes customized as seen in films like Dolemite, Superfly, Highwaymen (film), The Mack, Willie Dynamite, and even the James Bond film Live and Let Die.


hi!by any chance are you going to solve the small bug of “NOT SHOWING UTF-8 CORRECTLY” on yahoo groups any time soon?because your service as so far the best group-ware I’ve ever seen on the www, yet such a simple issue which can be handled by a simple html tag is not addressed and it’s so frustrating…


Krugman's a left wing hack with pretensions of being an economist. That he got the Nobel means that the Nobel has become political (duh). The economics Nobel, like the peace Nobel, means nothing these days. The idiots who blew up LTCM in 1998 and were bailed out by Greenspan were also Nobel recipients. The liberal-left media loves Krugman because he tells them exactly what they like hearing. His column is in the Oregonian 2-3 times a week. The few times I've read it was so nauseating that I no longer read his column.


Jen - Mallory – your pics are GORGEOUS! I love your style of photography. When Maddie gets a little older, we’ll have to see about getting some family pics done!Jen R.


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Yup, that should defo do the trick!


What if some people can't tell the difference?I don't think that there's any "what if" about it, do you? Hitler was charismatic. Mao was charismatic. Mussolini was charismatic. Being a moral person has nothing to do with charisma. Like DADvocate, I am extremely suspicious of the charismatic. They can do great things, but they can also do greatly evil things.


Awesome pictures, thanks for posting! And thanks for mentioning that I tweet and do events instead of the probably more truthful "she doesn't blog, just reads a lot of them." :)


I don't even know what to say, this made things so much easier!





